Olga Mula


[1] Leveraging Christoffel-Darboux Kernels to Strengthen Moment-SOS Relaxations.
S. Ðurašinović, P. Azzi, J.-B. Lasserre, V. Magron, O. Mula and J. Zhao. 2025. [pdf]

[2] Connected Components on Lie Groups and Applications to Multi-Orientation Image Analysis.
Nicky J van den Berg, Olga Mula, Leanne Vis and Remco Duits. 2024. [pdf]

[3] A Dynamical Neural Galerkin Scheme for Filtering Problems.
J. Aghili, J. Z. Atokple, M. Billaud-Friess, G. Garnier, O. Mula and N. Tognon. 2024. [pdf]

Journal Articles

[1] Accuracy Controlled Schemes for the Eigenvalue Problem of the Radiative Transfer Equation.
W. Dahmen and O. Mula. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 2025. [pdf, doi]

[2] Approximation and Structured Prediction with Sparse Wasserstein Barycenters.
M.H. Do, J. Feydy and O. Mula. Journal of Scientific Computing. 2024. [pdf]

[3] Optimal Transport on the Lie group of Roto-Translations.
D. Bon, G. Pai, G. Bellaard, O. Mula and R. Duits. SIAM J. on Imaging Sciences. 2024. [pdf]

[4] Towards a Real-Time Simulation of Elastoplastic Deformation Using Multi-Task Neural Networks.
R. Schmeitz, J. Remmers, O. Mula and O. van der Sluis. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences. 2024. [pdf]

[5] Dynamical approximation and sensor placement for filtering problems.
O. Mula, C. Pagliantini and F. Vismara. SIAM J. Scientific Computing. 2024. [pdf]

[6] High order recovery of geometric interfaces from cell-average data.
A. Cohen, O. Mula and A. Somacal. ESAIM M2AN. 2024. [pdf]

[7] Tree-Based Nonlinear Reduced Modeling.
D. Guignard and O. Mula. Multiscale, Adaptive and Nonlinear Approximation II. 2024. [pdf]

[8] State estimation of urban air pollution with statistical, physical, and super-learning graph models.
M. Dolbeault, O. Mula and A. Somacal. Advances in Computational Science and Engineering. 2024. [pdf]

[9] Moment-SoS methods for Optimal Transport Problems.
O. Mula and A. Nouy. Numerische Mathematik. 2024. [pdf, code]

[10] Depth-Adaptive Neural Networks from the Optimal Control Viewpoint.
J. Aghili and O. Mula. Advances in Computational Mathematics. 2024. [pdf, code]

[11] Nonlinear approximation spaces for inverse problems.
A. Cohen, M. Dolbeault, O. Mula and A. Somacal. Analysis and Applications. 2023. [pdf, doi]

[12] State Estimation with Model Reduction and Shape Variability. Application to biomedical problems.
F. Galarce, D. Lombardi and O. Mula. SIAM J. Scientific Computing. 2022. [pdf]

[13] Nonlinear reduced models for state and parameter estimation.
A. Cohen, W. Dahmen, O. Mula and J. Nichols. SIAM J. Uncertainty Quantification (in print). 2022. [pdf, doi]

[14] Epidemiological Forecasting with Model Reduction of Compartmental Models. Application to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
A. Bakhta, T. Boiveau, Y. Maday and O. Mula. Biology. 2021. [pdf, doi]

[15] Fast reconstruction of 3D blood flows from Doppler ultrasound images and reduced models.
F. Galarce, J.F. Gerbeau, D. Lombardi and O. Mula. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2021. [pdf, doi]

[16] Reconstructing Haemodynamics Quantities of Interest from Doppler Ultrasound Imaging.
F. Galarce, D. Lombardi and O. Mula. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomedical Eng.. 2020. [pdf, doi]

[17] Optimal reduced model algorithms for data-based state estimation.
A. Cohen, W. Dahmen, R. DeVore, J. Fadili, O. Mula and J. Nichols. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 2020. [pdf, doi]

[18] An Adaptive Parareal Algorithm.
Y. Maday and O. Mula. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2020. [pdf, doi, code]

[19] Nonlinear model reduction on metric spaces. Application to one-dimensional conservative PDEs in Wasserstein spaces.
V. Ehrlacher, D. Lombardi, O. Mula and F.-X. Vialard. ESAIM M2AN. 2020. [pdf, doi, code]

[20] An Adaptive Nested Source Term Iteration for Radiative Transfer Equations.
W. Dahmen, F. Gruber and O. Mula. Mathematics of Computation. 2020. [pdf, doi, code]

[21] Homogenization in the energy variable for a neutron transport model.
H. Hutridurga, O. Mula and F. Salvarani. Asymptotic Analysis. 2019. [pdf, doi]

[22] Greedy algorithms for optimal measurements selection in state estimation using reduced models.
P. Binev, A. Cohen, O. Mula and J. Nichols. SIAM Journal on Uncertainty Quantification. 2018. [pdf, doi]

[23] Sensor placement in nuclear reactors based on the Generalized Empirical Interpolation Method.
J.-P. Argaud, B. Bouriquet, F. de Caso, H. Gong, Y. Maday and O. Mula. Journal of Computational Physics. 2018. [pdf, doi]

[24] The DUNE-DPG library for solving PDEs with Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin finite elements.
F. Gruber, A. Klewinghaus and O. Mula. Archive of Numerical Software. 2017. [pdf, doi, code]

[25] Convergence analysis of the Generalized Empirical Interpolation Method.
Y. Maday, O. Mula and G. Turinici. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 2016. [pdf, doi]

[26] The Generalized Empirical Interpolation Method: Stability theory on Hilbert spaces with an application to the Stokes equation.
Y. Maday, O. Mula, A.T. Patera and M. Yano. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2015. [pdf, doi]

[27] A Generalized Empirical Interpolation Method: application of reduced basis techniques to data assimilation.
Y. Maday and O. Mula. Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations. 2013. [pdf, doi]

Refereed proceedings

[1] Predicting Cascading Failures with a Hyperparametric Diffusion Model.
B. Xiang, B. Cautis, X. Xiao and O. Mula.
In Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2024. [pdf]

[2] Impact of Physical Model Error on State Estimation for Neutronics Applications.
Y. Conjungo, D. Labeurthre, F. Madiot, O. Mula and T. Taddei.
In ESAIM Proc.. 2022. [pdf]

[3] Deep Learning-Based schemes for Singularly Perturbed Convection-Diffusion Problems.
A. Beguinet, V. Ehrlacher, R. Flenghi, M. Fuente, O. Mula and A. Somacal.
In ESAIM Proc.. 2022. [pdf]

[4] Wasserstein Model Reduction Approach for Parametrized Flow Problems in Porous Media.
B. Battisti, T. Blickham, G. Enchery, V. Ehrlacher, D. Lombardi and O. Mula.
In ESAIM Proc.. 2022. [pdf]

[5] Stabilization of (G)EIM in Presence of Measurement Noise: Application to Nuclear Reactor Physics.
J. P. Argaud, B. Bouriquet, H. Gong, Y. Maday and O. Mula.
In Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2016. 2017. [pdf, doi]

[6] The parareal in time algorithm applied to the kinetic neutron diffusion equation.
A.-M. Baudron, J.J. Lautard, Y. Maday and O. Mula.
In Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI. 2014. [pdf, doi]

[7] MINARET: Towards a time-dependent neutron transport parallel solver.
A.M. Baudron, J.J. Lautard, Y. Maday and O. Mula.
In SNA+ MC 2013-Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications+ Monte Carlo. 2014. [pdf, doi]

[8] A priori convergence of the Generalized Empirical Interpolation Method.
Y. Maday, O. Mula and G. Turinici.
In 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications. 2013. [pdf, doi]

[9] A new methodology for enhanced natural safety GEN-IV SFR core design: application to a carbide-fueled core.
N.E. Stauff, M. Agard, L. Buiron, B. Fontaine, X. Jeanningros, O. Mula, G. Rimpault and M. Zabiego.
In Proceedings of ICAPP 2011. 2011. [pdf]

Lecture Notes

[1] Continuous Optimization (bachelor course at TU Eindhoven).
R. Bailo and O. Mula. 2024. [pdf]

[2] Mathematics of Neural Networks (master course at TU Eindhoven).
O. Mula and M. Peletier. 2024. [pdf]

[3] The Finite Element Method (master course at TU Eindhoven).
O. Mula. 2024. [pdf]

[4] Inverse Problems: A Deterministic Approach using Physics-Based Reduced Models (research-level course).
O. Mula. 2022. [pdf]

[5] Optimisation and Dynamic Programming (master course in Paris Dauphine).
O. Mula. 2017. [pdf]

[6] Numerical Analysis (bachelor course in Paris Dauphine).
O. Mula. 2017. [pdf]


[1] Report 2: Impact of mobility and population density on the Covid-19 outbreak (February-Nov 2020).
J. Atif, B. Cabot, O. Cappé, O. Mula and Pinot. R.. 2020. [pdf]

[2] Report 1: Feedback on mobility during the Covid-19 epidemic (February-May 2020).
J. Atif, O. Cappé, A. Kazakci, Y. Léo, L. Massoulié and O. Mula. 2020. [pdf]


[1] [Habilitation Thesis] Linear and Nonlinear Schemes for Forward and Inverse Problems.
O. Mula. 2021. [pdf]

[2] [PhD Thesis] Some contributions towards the parallel simulation of time dependent neutron transport and the integration of observed data in real time..
O. Mula. 2014. [pdf]


[1] PBDW method for state estimation: error analysis for noisy data and nonlinear formulation.
H. Gong, Y. Maday, O. Mula and T. Taddei. 2019. [pdf]